Sup-Antibac is formulated for use as a sanitising agent in washrooms, factory floors, communal and food preparation areas. Sup-Antibac is a broad-spectrum sanitizing liquid that has a SABS food grade SANS 1853 HACCP certification. Sup-Antibac is identified as a clear liquid with no fragrance. It is a non-hazardous and water-soluble concentrate with excellent residual sanitizing properties. Store in cool area out of direct sunlight.
BENEFITS include
- SABS SANS 1853 HACCP standard (Food grade)
- Substitute or replacement for all other sanitiser as it is effective in all areas
- Non-corrosive
- Non-hazardous
- Stable and safe to use at all temperatures and organic acids
- Odourless and water-soluble
- Convenient packaging
- Store out of reach of children
- Consult the MSDS “Material Safety Data Sheet” for for proper personal protection whilst using the product
Please read the MSDS “Material Safety Data Sheet” before using or transporting this product.
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